Monday, July 1, 2013

HAPPY MID YEAR! A note from Baby Einstein

Albert Einstein said insanity is when you do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. Goddamn! That may just be his most brilliant contribution to humankind, you know, aside from the whole E=MC2 "thing". Can I tell you dear friends how many times I've gone on all weekend benders, procrastinated with projects that could catapult my career, not put aside enough money for rent and then have a schmurrrrr, scratch-my-head moment wondering why LIFE keeps on the same humdrum rhythm and I'm not progressing like I want. Einstein I am not.

Hi. My name is Soni Satpathy and I'm an insanity addict.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. I told you nearly three to four weeks ago that I would have answers to my self-posed questions.  But as you already know I operate on IST ( ) and, clearly, do not hold myself to a different standard for my blog. So, before we go any further, let's get you answers to the questions I posed in my last entry:

Did I finish Jillian's 55 minute video or did I hurl half-way through? Yes! And no hurling! And I've been doing her sickening videos since with clenched teeth and butt cheeks! Did the AC unhinge from the window because I never used all the screws (where the hell do all those lock brackets go?!)? No, not yet! Do I have an impending law suit against me because the unit fell on the children below? No children have been sacrificed in the process of installing and keeping in my AC unit. That I know of. Do I have a new boyfriend with out of this world upper body strength? I'm working on it, people. Though unintentional, did you, too, notice how many times there was an opportunity to say "that's what she said" throughout this post? Counting the title, I counted nine opportunities. You?

So there you have it. I'm sure you can all sleep soundly now.

We'll put the jokes aside for a moment. As I mentioned in my last post, I really do want to be more proactive about cultivating better health i.e. working out/eating more mindfully. The beginning of 2013, as most new years often do, heralded more awareness and proactivity but, I thought it was time to make some mid-year resolutions and revisit all those tipsy promises I made to myself January 1st.

I can't say I've hit all high notes thus far. I have evolved in some ways and have devolved in others in the first 6 months of this year. I've said in past posts that its about living and learning. And I do honestly believe that, Loves but, if I'm to do a true confessional, I have to admit that I hide behind that sentiment, meaning I do a lot of living and typically defer the learning for later. Much later. Insanity.

There's beauty in falling off the horse and getting back on. But what I've learned about myself is that sometimes I poise myself to fall off. And there's no beauty in that. Insanity. So what are all the smart, successful, healthy people doing? What piece of the puzzle am I missing? How can I become a better, stronger, more in-tune person, not only with my own tightly constructed world, but that outside of me, too?

I've been reading, Loves. I've been asking people I admire how they live, love, and work. I've been asking questions big and small. It can all be very overwhelming when the question of self improvement is involved, because first I had to admit that there are parts of me that need improvement and re-development. Its like pulling on a single thread and before you know it the whole garment unravels.

The only thing I can tell you which I think holds weight is that to do a full mind, body, soul makeover and expect results overnight in just stupid. Insanity really. Its like people who go on insane diets and sure, the pounds peel away but its not a way of life that can be maintained without repercussions where that weight doesn't creep back on.

Likewise, a crash life cleanse comes with its own challenges. I think that's why I always put the weight back on. No, I don't mean body fat. I mean WEIGHT, the weight of the world, or my world rather.  I have yet to master the art of moderation. There's living a life of passion intentionally and living a life of passions impulsively, and I never made or understood that distinction before.

Listen, I don't intend on getting all Sati Savitri on ya and change this blog to Masala Yogi or something of the sorts. I have no intention of throwing the baby out with the bath water. I'm just proposing to look at both baby and bath water a wee more inquisitively. Eating, drinking, and being merry is still there but how and to what degree is in question. What I'm really talking about is impulsive living or the pursuit of temporary merriment that results in emotional hangovers at a later moment.

See, here's the truth: I never mastered saying no to temporary desires. Actually I've never really wanted to. I've always liked my fly by the seat, impulsive nature. In saying "yes" to the present but continually saying "no" to the future though, I've become stagnant and just a big ole confused verb trying to find my tense. In popular culture, we're told to always be in the present but you see, I got that confused with being mindful and in the present. Huge difference! Maybe all those revered sages had it right when they toot the balance horn when it comes to the allocation of time and energy for things and people and moderation when it comes to consumption.

Moderation Merrynade? Hmm.

Maybe, and you can email me or post if you have another approach or philosophy, the trick or catch is eating, drinking, and being merry in a way where you don't compromise your pursuit for bliss i.e. being the best version of YOU. Maybe that's what its about, is enjoying the moment, truly, but not in the way that's gonna fuck up your future because, let's face it, your future is eventually going to be your present.

Chew on that.

As I stated earlier, I've actively engaged myself in conversation with people that I admire, who seem to have their ish together in ways I aspire. One reoccurring theme I have found amongst these people is that they're not only deep thinkers but also deep doers. They have concrete goals and not just loose ones of I want to be happy or I want to be successful. They have actively mapped out their pursuit of bliss. You see, we're also always told that if we try our best and work hard, results are bound to come to fruition. And there's truth in that but what I'm learning is the wisdom in trying our best and working smart, and that can be applied to all aspects of life.

All this is steeped in abstracts so I would love to put it in a more practical context. I'll spare you the details of the BIG things I'm pursuing. What I can share is a list I crafted of short-term goals, things that may look goofy on first glance but will make the version Soni 2.0 better, more efficient, and dynamic.

Start small, right? Here's what I've listed as my Mid-year resolutions:

1. Find interesting ways to spend time with friends that do not only revolve around consumption.
2. Renew, reuse, and recycle needs to go beyond men. Do more for MY earth!
3. Save money by doing two very simple things: return library books on time and quit losing my metro card!
4. Find alternative sources of energy that do not fit into a cup, particularly after 3pm. Curtail caffeine intake and take walks/stretch to re-energize at work!
5. Attend a talk or class monthly that contribute to professional growth and/or networking.
6. Do not eat my feelings. Write my feelings! Write daily if even for self and not public consumption.
7. Unwind before going to bed in a more peaceful, productive way i.e. not eating or watching JusReign videos on YouTube.
8. Do not get frustrated by inability to do yoga like a rockstar. Keep going to classes!
9. Do not live outside of means but cultivate the desire to love outside of means. Partake in an activity bi-monthly that helps others. Partake in volunteer work. Calling my Father does not count.
10.  Date with purpose and remain mindful of red flags despite visible upper body strength of date.
11. Try to be more aware of time. IST is not an universal way of time telling!
12. Exercise mind and body daily. Quit making excuses!
13. Keep revisiting career goals and "check in" with self to mindfully gauge progress.

So there you have it, Loves. What are some of your resolutions and how do you put philosophy into practice in weeding out insanity? I would love to get your feedback. You can post here or email me at I love your insights and they really have become the highlight of my blogging!

In my attempts to remain faithful to time and promises, I will have recipes for healthy snacks with a kick for you this Tuesday, July 2nd. Let's rock the remaining 6 months of 2013 together. HAPPY MID-YEAR, LOVES! Live the (mindfully) spicy life!

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